The Mattachine

Although ONE is a separate entity and without affiliation with any other organization, its genesis occurred at one of the discussion groups described below. Several persons, with the idea of a publication already in mind, met, pooled their mutual ambitions and ONE came into being. The following report on the Mattachine, itself a separate corporate unit, suggests European organizations on which ONE will report in an early


The Shades Are Drawn

It may sound strange that an organization sponsoring research in homosexuality and reform of laws on deviation came into being in that part of the West Coast where official prejudice is strongest and where there are more laws against sex crimes than in almost any other country in the world. But injustice has a way of stimulating those who hate it, and the Mattachine Foundation is very stimulated indeed.

One evening early in 1950, a small group of homosexuals met to discuss informally the origins of deviation. They had been in conversations before where the subject had come up but had been dropped because it was too academic or improper. They had read a lot on the subject before but even the best authorities were mutually contradictory. Now they were going to pool what they knew, sort it out and perhaps make a little sense out of much nonsense. The first


gathering came out of curiosity and a sense of wrong, frustration and a hunger for facts.

They locked the door, pulled down the shades, chose a chairman and leaned forward to talk in modulated tones. They did not know then that such forums are not illegal. Their first sensations of daring and danger quickly dissipated as the discussion grew animated. They were appalled at the vast amount they didn't know about themselves, the laws and the heterosexual life around them. Repeatedly remarks began with, "Someone should do research on, etc." Midnight came and went, and they unanimously voted to meet again in two weeks.

Since that night there have been discussion groups regularly every two weeks. Word got around and the first group became too big for everyone to speak. It split and these two in turn split until there is now an undisclosed number of groups meeting all over Southern California almost every night of the week.

The purposes of these gatherings remain the same: "We meet to pool what we know, to expose what we feel is wrong and to remind ourselves that we are mutually dependent members of one of the world's largest minorities." This unity has effected many results. Regularly the groups vote to give a benefit party, bazaar, auction. The proceeds go toward printing material on their organization and on deviation, for guest

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